ADFS Server is loading old certificate post ADFS Certificate Renewal

Faced different issue today in ADFS Certificate replacement, in the previous Article, We have seen how to install and bind the certificate for ADFS  and in another Article explianed how to bind certificate and configure ADFS Proxy servers. Followed same procedure and replaced certificates for the ADFS  Infrastructure. wherein the ADFS Console has new certificates, when […]


System.String[] Error in Recipients for the Get-Messagetrackinglog

System.String[] error noticedwhere there are more number of recipients are there in the Recipients list when you run Get-MessageTrackingLog Initial Command: Get-TransportServer MBX* | Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageId | Select-object TimeStamp,ServerHostname,EventId,Source,Recipients,Sender,MessageSubject,RecipientStatus,MessageLatency,MessageId,MessageLatencyType,RecipientCount | Export-Csv C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\outfile.csv You will get the below results, Noticed there is no proper results in recipients column and it give System.String[]. Normaly it happens because these […]