For previous Article, Assigning Azure RBAC Roles using PowerApps and Flow – Part 3
Now, go back to the Form again, Select the LoadButton–Action(Flow)–Select the flow which we created and tested
You can see the Flow selected but you can see it is giving the syntax error
Enter the below text for OnSelect
You can see the syntax error gets disappeared
Now, we are able to get the flow attached to the Loanbutton. It is time to match the fields what we getting from the flow for the user
For each label, select the Text and type Datafromflow.coutryin
Here countryin is the filed value coming from the flow(remember we entered for add an output). Lets map same way to all the labels accordingly
Once you have mapped with all the labels. Let’s test the PowerApps to validate
Click on Arrow to begin the test
Click on Load Current User Details
You can see the details are gets loaded as you matched which means it is worked perfectly.
Now, let’s work on Auctioning the Check boxes
Select the TrainingCheck — OnCheck –set it to “true“
Select the AgreeCheck — OnCheck –set it to “true“
Now, let’s add a Button for Submit Action
Insert from Menu–>Click on Button
Select the Submit button–>DisplayMode and enter the below text
If(Trainingscheck.Value=true && AgreedCheck.Value=true,DisplayMode.Edit,DisplayMode.Disabled)
Let’s create another flow for the submit button to save the details of the loaded user details on SharePoint List.
Select Submit Button– Flows
Click on Create a new flow
Click on New Step
Select on Create Item
Type the SharePoint site URL and select List Name which we have created
In previous flow, we are getting the information, in this flow, we are saving the information to SharePoint list
Match the dynamic content for the each fields appropriately.
after that, For status — Enter the text “Submitted” which gives identification of the administrators
and also the texts for other two fields,
Agreement check –> Yes
Training Attend–> Yes
Click on New Step
Select send an email(V2)
In To field, Select the Email Address from Create Item
And customize the mail as per your requirements
Click on Save
Attach the Flow to the Submit button
Once again, it is giving the Syntax error
Select the Submit Button, OnSelect enter the following Text.
Click on test and let us validate once again the flows
Click on Load Current User Details
Select both check boxes and click on Submit button
Now you can see the new item has been created in the SharePoint list and mail has been sent to the user who has triggered the flow
So far so good.. Now we need to register an application in azure active directory to talk to Azure Active Directory to assign the directory roles.
For Next Article, Assigning Azure RBAC Roles using PowerApps and Flow – Part 5
For Previous Articles in this series,
Assigning Azure RBAC Roles using PowerApps and Flow – Part 1
Assigning Azure RBAC Roles using PowerApps and Flow – Part 2
Assigning Azure RBAC Roles using PowerApps and Flow – Part 3
Assigning Azure RBAC Roles using PowerApps and Flow – Part 6
Assigning Azure RBAC Roles using PowerApps and Flow – Part 7