Unable to reach IDP Initiated page of ADFS in Server 2016

Unable to reach IDP Initiated page of ADFS in Server 2016

Noticed IDPInitiated signon page is not loading by default in Adfs 2016 as it is loading in pervious versions. Default IDP URL : https://adfsname.domainname.com/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon.aspx In my case, https://sts.windowstechpro.com/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon.aspx Ideally, in ADFS 2016 it is disabled by default. Run the below command to see status of the IDP Initiatedsignon page. Get-AdfsProperties | Select-Object EnableIdpInitiatedSignonpage Now, To […]

Error 400 Bad Request when connecting ADFS Services

Noticed Error 400 Bad request in ADFS when trying to reach adfs services for authentication. ideally it happens if created CNAME record for ADFS Services. ADFS Will not support mapping the CNAME Record for the ADFS. It is recommended to have A record for the ADFS. Once created correct record, restart ADFS services in ADFS […]

Cannot open mailbox Microsoft System Attendant

Issue: When trying to migrate the mailboxes in Exchange, throws the below Error Cannot open mailbox /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAILBOX01/cn=Microsoft System Attendant Resolution: Ideally it happens if there is no proper Database Home MDB mapped for Microsoft System Attendant mailbox for the server. In the ADSIEDIT, Locate the following path, CN=Configuration,CN=Services,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative […]