How to Restore Mailbox in Office 365

In this Article, We will see out to restore mailbox in Exchange Online. In my test Office 365 Tenant, I have three Users in which i am deleting one user to show you how to restore the mailbox to the another mailbox You can see the mailbox in the deleted Mailboxes. Note: Once you delete […]

Duplicate SIP Proxy Error in DirSync for Office 365

Sometimes we can see the Duplicate SIP Proxy Address error in Dirsync for Office 365 User. It may occurs when the same SIP Address assigned to the another user in Lync but not enabled for LYNC Access. Remove the other user for one which assigned SIP Proxy Address but Lync access not given. Due this […]

.NET 3.5 Installation on Server 2012

.NET 3.5 Installation on Server 2012

By default, .Net Framework 4.5 got installed in Server 2012 where some of the applications like Lync and IIS Sites requires .Net Framework 3.5. So we should not install it by downloading it from internet as it is already available as a feature and we need to install the Feature by selecting Source Path SXS […]

RevocationCheckFailure in Edge Server

RevocationCheckFailure in Edge Server

Came across one issue that EDGE Server is not sending mails to Smart host as Smart host not accepting mails from the EDGE Server. In Event EDGE Server, noticed the  Certificate validation failure and Get-Exchangecertificate showed that Status: RevocationCheckFailure for the current certificate. It happens when the EDGE Server not able to check the CRL […]