In this multi Part Articles, I have been covered how to installing,Configuring,creating templates and publishing it using SMB Share to domain users.
Part 1: AD RMS Installation and Configuration in Server 2012 R2
Part 2: Creating AD RMS Template and Publishing to Domain users in Server 2012 R2
Here we will see how to integrate AD RMS with Exchange Servers and enabling the templates for mail to protect.
Before we are going to enabling in Exchange, We need to give permissions of AD RMS Certifications to Exchange Servers. Basically we could do that by adding all the Exchange servers in one DL and give permissions to that DL since you will be having multiple servers.
Open IIS Manager in AD RMS Server. Note, you need to use Service account to login to AD RMS Server.

Right Click on Certifications–Select Switch to Content View

Right Click on ServerCertifications.ASPX and Edit Permissions

Add Exchange Servers and Give Full Control

Alright. We done at AD RMS.
Now login to Exchange Server and Open Exchange Powershell console and run the following commands to enable IRM
To enable on CAS – Set-IRMConfiguration -ClientAccessServerEnabled $true
To Enable for OWA – Set-OWAMailboxPolicy –Identity Default -IRMEnabled $true
For Multimailbox IRM search – Set-IRMConfiguration -SearchEnabled $true
For Licensing Internally – Set-IRMConfiguration –InternalLicensingEnabled $true
For Licensing External users – Set-IRMConfiguration –ExternalLicensingEnabled $true
Once you enabled, You can run Get-IRMConfiguration to see which are all services we enabled.
Run Get-RMSTemplate |format-list to see the templates available to use.

Login into the Exchange Outlook Web App(OWA) and see the templates.

Run Test-IRMCongiuration -sender user@domainname.com to test the IRM Configuration and AD RMS health status of the URLs and availability of the services.