In this Article, Will show you how to clear Dumpster for the mailboxes. which is majorly helpful when you are doing mailbox moving from O365 to On-Premises and vice versa. Let’s begin,
Run the below command to see the size of the Dumpster(Deletions) Folder size which stores the deleted items of the mailbox which are not visible to users but administrators can see by using Exchange PowerShell,
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics Radhakrishnan.g@windowstechpro.com |ft name,foldersize –AutoSize

If you see the Deletions, It is showing 19.85 GB of data is there in the folder, run the below command to clear it.
Get-mailbox Radhakrishnan.g@windowstechpro.com | search-mailbox -searchquery “Subject:’*’” -DeleteContent –SearchDumpsterOnly

Press A to continue and wait for some time,

Once Completed, Run the below command once again, Get-MailboxFolderStatistics Radhakrishnan.g@windowstechpro.com |ft name,foldersize –AutoSize

Now it is cleared as it is showing only 45.84 KB of Deletions folder size.

WOOT.. You have done the job. Will cover what is Purges and Versions in the Upcoming Articles..