Error Reported when connecting to SPO Admin URL
Connecting to {PnP}…❌ Unable to retrieve SPO Admin URL

When we get into the error log file, Found the following details

The application used to connect to Pnp PowerShell of SharePoint has not been registered with the Legacy ACS Model. Also the application Secret is not able to be trusted by SharePoint URL.
To assign the permissions, log in to the Sharepoint admin Center using the following URL
https://-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx and enter the APP Id and Click on Lookup
After the application Details are fetched, paste the following Text in the App’s permission Request XML and click on Create
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true"> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" /> </AppPermissionRequests>

Click on Trust It

Now, you should be able to connect to SharePoint using the application Secret.