First we need to create the Databases in Exchange 2013, Login to Https://, Under Servers–>Databases–>click under Plus Give the Name for the Databases,Select the Server,Select the Location, Now You can see the database under Databases Now we need to move arbitration Mailboxes from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, #Hybrid #Migration
In this article, I am explaining how to disable the Unified Messaging for Bulk Mailboxes using Powershell Disabling the Unified Messaging for the single user is using GUI mode of the Exchange Management Console is easy by right-clicking the Mailbox and disable unified messaging is option. Doing the Manual Work using EMC for bulk users is a […]
Moving Outlook Anywhere Run the below commands in Exchange server 2010 using Exchange Powershell, $Exchange2013HostName = “” Get-ExchangeServer | Where {($_.AdminDisplayVersion -Like “Version 14*”) -And ($_.ServerRole -Like “*ClientAccess*”)} | Get-ClientAccessServer | Where {$_.OutlookAnywhereEnabled -Eq $True} | ForEach {Set-OutlookAnywhere “$_\RPC (Default Web Site)” -ClientAuthenticationMethod Basic -SSLOffloading $False -ExternalHostName $Exchange2013HostName -IISAuthenticationMethods NTLM, Basic} Get-ExchangeServer | Where {($_.AdminDisplayVersion […]