When running the below command to Import the RMS Trusted Publishing Domain, Import-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain -FileData $([byte[]](Get-Content -Encoding byte -Path “C:\AIP_Migration.xml” -ReadCount 0)) -Name “Windowstechpro TPD” -ExtranetLicensingUrl https://adrms.domain.com/_wmcs/licensing -IntranetLicensingUrl https://adrms.domain.com/_wmcs/licensing Getting the below Error, This cmdlet is deprecated. The Trusted Publishing Domain (TPD) for your organization is managed in Microsoft Azure Rights Management. For more information, see […]
Azure AD RMS (AADRM) is the Microsoft Cloud based Right Management Services which uses encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your files and email, and it works across multiple devices—phones, tablets, and PCs. RMS Can be used in Hybrid Environment as well, so make sure you have gone through the deployment of RMS […]
Run the below command to get AADRM PowerShell Module version installed in the local Machine. (Get-Module aadrm -ListAvailable).Version Run the below command in Elevated PowerShell to update the AADRM PowerShell Module Update-Module -Name AADRM Please refer to the article to know how to install AADRM PowerShell Module, #Azure #AzureAD #AzureRMS #AADRM
In this Article, we will see how to add user or users or Computer using Powershell. If you want to add users to the specific one Group, you can use the below command.. $domain=”Windowstechpro.com” $Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME; $ADSIComputer = [ADSI](“WinNT://$Computer,computer”); $SGName = $ADSIComputer.psbase.children.find(‘Administrators’) function Groupmember($number) { $SGName.add(“WinNT://”+$domain+”/”+$number ) } Groupmember “radhakrishnan.govindan” Groupmember “veterivel.Madeshwaran” In the […]
In my Previous AD Powershell Post, I have showed how to generate AD Computers report with specific Paramenters, Wherein the LastLogonDate attribute value format will not be in the same format if your AD Infrastructure is not configured with specific time format. Below output report is an example,You will see the report date values are has […]
In this article, we will see how to modify the DNSSettings using PowerShell. it will help for the core server modifications as well. To get the Existing DNS Settings run the below command, Get-DnsClientServerAddress To modify the DNS Settings, use the below command, Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 12 -ServerAddresses (“″,””) Note: Need to get Interface Index for […]
In this article, we see about advanced security scenario for NTFS. Common NTFS folder is used to many organization is to set permissions such that users can create, update, delete and rename files, but not delete or rename folders or sub-folders. Many organizations implement this approach to provide a consistent network folder structure for users to store […]
In this article we see about automate the process of sharing new folders by using PowerShell. You can automate the process of sharing new folders using PowerShell 3.0 . For example, To create and share folder, We could use the following commands in PowerShell, MD E:\Shares\ITDocuments New-SMBShare -Name ITDocuments -Path D:\Shares\ITDocuments -FolderEnumerationMode AccessBased -CachingModeITDocuments -EncryptData $True -FullAccess Everyone In […]
Windows Server 2016 power-packed with lots of new features and also many of the enhanced features. In this article we will see what is new in Active Directory Federation Services(AD FS) theoretically and will cover practically how does it works in upcoming articles. Server 2016, AD FS got many new features which are listed. Sign in with […]
if you want to run the scripts or execute some downloaded scripts, You will end of with the error cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. it happens by default,PowerShell is restricted with execution policy.Hence that it is not allowed to execute the PowerShell scripts. You can run the command Set-ExecutionPolicy […]