When running the below command to Import the RMS Trusted Publishing Domain, Import-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain -FileData $([byte[]](Get-Content -Encoding byte -Path “C:\AIP_Migration.xml” -ReadCount 0)) -Name “Windowstechpro TPD” -ExtranetLicensingUrl https://adrms.domain.com/_wmcs/licensing -IntranetLicensingUrl https://adrms.domain.com/_wmcs/licensing Getting the below Error, This cmdlet is deprecated. The Trusted Publishing Domain (TPD) for your organization is managed in Microsoft Azure Rights Management. For more information, see […]
Azure AD RMS (AADRM) is the Microsoft Cloud based Right Management Services which uses encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your files and email, and it works across multiple devices—phones, tablets, and PCs. Let’s see how to install Azure AD RMS PowerShell Module Open Windows PowerShell in Administrator mode, Type Install-Module -Name AADRM […]
Azure AD RMS (AADRM) is the Microsoft Cloud based Right Management Services which uses encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your files and email, and it works across multiple devices—phones, tablets, and PCs. In this Article, We will see how to enable RMS Online for the Office 365 Tenant.. RMS Can be used […]
Azure AD RMS (AADRM) is the Microsoft Cloud based Right Management Services which uses encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your files and email, and it works across multiple devices—phones, tablets, and PCs. In Previous articles, we have seen how to setup RMS in On-premises Environment and enable it in Exchange Servers to […]
Azure AD RMS (AADRM) is the Microsoft Cloud based Right Management Services which uses encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your files and email, and it works across multiple devices—phones, tablets, and PCs. RMS Can be used in Hybrid Environment as well, so make sure you have gone through the deployment of RMS […]
When enabling Azure RMS for Exchange online using the below command, Set-IRMConfiguration -internallicensingenabled $true It ends with below error, since there us no RMS Trusted Publishing domains, it is not allowing us to Set. If you’re using RMS Online, Run the below command Import-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain –RMSOnline –Name “RMS Online” Now let’s again execute the command and […]
Run the below command to get AADRM PowerShell Module version installed in the local Machine. (Get-Module aadrm -ListAvailable).Version Run the below command in Elevated PowerShell to update the AADRM PowerShell Module Update-Module -Name AADRM Please refer to the article to know how to install AADRM PowerShell Module, #Azure #AzureAD #AzureRMS #AADRM
Error: When you use APPID and Secret for and azure AD, it is giving an error as follows, { “error”: { “code”: “Authorization_RequestDenied”, “message”: “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”, “innerError”: { “request-id”: “bcd913f3-8f4b-4e50-b83c-41b5f7149a24”, “date”: “2019-05-03T09:15:36” } } } Noticed this error in one of the Microsoft flow to assign Azure AD Roles to the […]
In this Article Series, We are going to see how to create Custom application Portal for the Guest Users Management. This Portal helps to Guest Users to request from External Domains or External World.. Post request received, Guest Inviter Administrators can login and approve the requests. Also it helps in auto approving the Domains and […]
For the Part 1 Article in this series, How to Create Guest Access Portal for External Users Management – Part 1 2. Deploying Azure App Service In previous Article, we have seen registration of the two applications required for the Guest Access Portal. No we need to deploy APP Service in Azure to host the […]