Mailbox Dumpster using PowerShell

How to Clear Mailbox Dumpster using PowerShell

In this Article, Will show you how to clear Dumpster for the mailboxes. which is majorly helpful when you are doing mailbox moving from O365 to On-Premises and vice versa. Let’s begin, Run the below command to see the size of the Dumpster(Deletions) Folder size which stores the deleted items of the mailbox which are […]

Windows 10 Technical Preview released..

Windows 10 Technical Preview released..

Microsoft Announced the Next Windows operating system called Windows 10 and will be released to customers in late 2015. You can download the technical Preview edition Image by using the Link. In this article, I will explain some of the new features which are introduced in Windows 10. Since Microsoft has not yet revealed the detailed features, I […]

How to Change SID in Server 2012 for cloned Image

How to Change SID in Server 2012 for cloned Image

Scenario: I have cloned an Image from Existing Windows Server 2012 R2 and tried to use it in the same environment. While I was trying to join the machine in the domain, it ended up with the below error, The Problem here is that the machine SID and Existing DC Domain which I used to […]